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روميو جديد

المشاركات : 7
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قوة السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/03/2011

مُساهمةموضوع: عذرا أصدقاء   عذرا أصدقاء Subscr10الثلاثاء مايو 24, 2011 10:16 am

عذرا أصدقاء 776401

The presence of Osama Bin Laden on Pakistani laser cutting equipment soil has once again raised questions about the laser cutting system links between the country's security establishment and jihadi militants.
It is an issue that has long concerned Western leaders who provide Pakistan laser machine with billions of dollars of aid each year and expect, in return, full co-operation in laser cutting machine the US war on terror.
In July last year, British Prime Minister David Cameron said laser cutter that he could not tolerate a situation in which Pakistan was able to "look both ways" so that it laser cutting could promote the export of terror.
And just last month, US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs laser cutting machine of Staff Adm Mike Mullen went on Pakistani television and openly accused Pakistan's main laser cutter intelligence agency, the ISI, of having links with a powerful tribal group believed to facilitate the movement of Taliban fighters from Pakistan laser cutting into Afghanistan.
The ISI, Adm Mullen said, had a "long-standing laser engraver relationship" with the Haqqani network.
The fact that such senior political and laser engraver military leaders are openly voicing their suspicions about Pakistan reflects their frustration that a decade into the US war on terror, the Taliban laser engraving machine movement in Afghanistan is strong and growing stronger.
'Unmatched record' The biggest question just now is laser engraving whether Pakistan knew Osama Bin Laden was living in its country.

The head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has laser engraving machine been charged by New York police over an alleged sex attack on a hotel laser engraving maid.
Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62, was taken off an Air France mini laser engraver plane at JFK airport just minutes desktop laser engraver before it left for Paris.
Police say the maid has now formally identified him in a vinyl cutter line-up. He faces three charges which he denies.
The married former French finance vinyl cutter minister is also considered a possible Socialist candidate for the presidency.
The BBC's Hugh Schofield, in Paris, says Mr Strauss-Kahn cutting plotter has been riding high in the polls and was seen as having a genuine chance of beating cutting plotter President Nicolas Sarkozy.
Martine Aubry, leader of France's Socialist Party, described laser tube news of his arrest as a "thunderbolt" which left her "astounded".
Mr Strauss-Kahn is expected to appear before desktop cnc router a New York state court later on Sunday.
His lawyer, William Taylor, told Agence France-Presse mini cnc router news agency: "We saw him, he's doing OK. And we'll be in court with him later in the afternoon."
Mr Strauss-Kahn had been scheduled to PCB cnc router meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday, but that meeting has now been cancelled, reports say.

Mr Browne said the allegations had been made by cnc router a 32-year-old woman who worked at the hotel, which has been identified as the Sofitel near Times Square. His accommodation there was described cnc routers by the New York Times as a luxury suite costing $3,000 per night (پ’1,900).
"We received a call that a chambermaid in cnc wood router a hotel in midtown Manhattan had been sexually assaulted by the occupant of a luxury suite at that hotel, and that that individual woodworking cnc router had fled," Mr Browne told the BBC.
"The maid described being forcibly wood cnc router attacked, locked in the room and sexually assaulted," he said.
Speaking to Reuters, Mr Browne gave more details on plotter the allegations against Mr Strauss-Kahn.
"She told detectives he came out of the bathroom large format plotter naked, ran down a hallway to the [suite] foyer where she was, pulled her into a bedroom and began to sexually assault her, according to her wide format plotter account."
"She pulled away from him and he dragged cnc stone router her down a hallway into the bathroom where he engaged in a criminal sexual act, according to her account to detectives. He tried to lock cnc granite router her into the hotel room."
Mr Strauss-Kahn then made his way to stone cnc router the airport but left his mobile phone and other items behind, Mr Brown said.
"It looked like he got out of granite cnc router there in a hurry."
By the time police established that the occupant of the flash stamp machine room was Mr Strauss-Kahn, the IMF chief was on board an Air France plane at John F Kennedy Pre Inked stamp airport, about to depart for Paris.
"Our detectives requested of the airport authorities self Inking stamp that they stop the plane from leaving, went to the airport and took him into custody," Mr Browne said.

الموضوع الاصلى : عذرا أصدقاء      المصدر : منتديات روميو     الكاتب : laserahlam
laserahlam; توقيع العضو
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الزعيم روميو

الزعيم روميو

.:: الإدارة ::.

المشاركات : 4671
الجنس : ذكر
العمر : 31
البلد البلد : عذرا أصدقاء Egypt10
الــــمـــزاج : رايق
هوايـتـي : عذرا أصدقاء Huntin10
نـــقــــاط : 17698
قوة السٌّمعَة : 32
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/04/2008
احترام قوانين المنتدي : يحترم القوانين


مُساهمةموضوع: رد: عذرا أصدقاء   عذرا أصدقاء Subscr10الثلاثاء مايو 24, 2011 3:38 pm

طرد 10 ايام بسبب الاشهار العشوائي

واذا كررتيها طرد نهائي


الموضوع الاصلى : عذرا أصدقاء      المصدر : منتديات روميو     الكاتب : الزعيم روميو
الزعيم روميو; توقيع العضو
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

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